There are a variety of courses and workshops for both parents and educators to choose from, including both online and in person, live and self-paced.  


Online and Self-paced

Stepping Into Balance…Strategies to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm

Learn simple and effective strategies in order to reduce you our your child’s stress and overwhelm in order to be calm and focused.

Top Strategies to Reduce Anxiety.

This is a short workshop that will help point you in the right direction of a variety of proven strategies that help to reduce anxiety in both children and adults.

30 Day Jumpstart to an Integrated Child.

This is an online, self-paced program which gives you profound strategies in which to help you know what to do for the first 30 days of your road to recovery from learning and behavior challenges.

Metabolic Reset


Primitive Reflex Tutorial and Home Movement Program:

Learn how to test your child’s reflexes and receive a tailored home program based on the results.

Wiggly & Can’t Sit Still

Learn what is underneath hyperactivity and what you can do about it.

Painfully Shy and Hypersensitive

Learn what is behind hypersensitivities, fear, and social anxieties and what you can do about it.


Understanding and Remediating ToeWalking





Immune Boosting Workshop and Natural Remedies ebook



Tapping Tutorial

This tutorial teaches the fundamentals of using tapping on meridian points to help release emotions underlying physical and mental symptoms.


The Basics of Muscle Testing

This tutorial helps teach one who is not familiar with muscle testing different techniques that can be chosen from.

Clean Eating Challenge & Workshop

Live (In person and/or virtual)

Brain Gym:  101, OBO, double doodle play.  Multi-day classes.  Perfect for both parent and educator working with small and large groups. 

Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training:  a 16 hour class.  Using rhythmic movements and isometrics for integrating primitive reflexes.  Ideal for parents trying to get to the bottom of learning and/or behavior issues.  

Educators & Other Professionals

Online and self-paced

Teacher’s Favorite!

Why Are My Students Struggling? Increasing Academic Performance Through Targeted Brain Development Techniques.

This is a full course for general and special education teachers.  2 credits available through the University of San Diego.

A Qualitative and Quantitative Developmental Math Assessment and Intervention Protocol:  Online tutorial and digital downloads of the book and all recording forms you need to assess your k-6 students whether you are a classroom teacher or math/learning specialist.

Painfully Shy and Hypersensitive:  Appropriate for professionals working in a 1-1 capacity with students

Wiggly & Can’t Sit Still:  Appropriate for professionals working in a 1-1 capacity with students.

Remediation Strategies for Toe Walking:  appropriate for professionals working in a 1-1 capacity with children.

Live (In Person and/or virtual)

Brain Gym:  101, OBO, double doodle play.  Multi-day classes.  Perfect for large or small groups or 1-1 work.  I focus on implications in the classroom when I teach.

Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training:  a 16 hour class.  Appropriate for professionals working in a 1-1 capacity with children.